Quick Guide for Paying Hongkong Profits Tax! 香港公司收到账单到底怎么缴税?

After submitting the 2017/18 audit report to the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department, you will continue to receive the tax assessment notice from the Hong Kong Taxation Bureau nowadays.  Everyone will have doubts, “What are the ways to pay this tax?” Here we have compiled a detailed method for paying Hong Kong profits tax. 近日,大家上交2017/18审计报告到香港税务局后,会陆续收到了香港税局的评税通知书。大家都会有疑问,“有哪些办法可以缴纳这个税款?”下面我们就为大家整理了详细的缴纳香港利得税的方法。 © Image | NormadCapitalist Pay In Person 亲临付款 Bring a payment slip to any post office in Hong Kong for payment in cash or by cheque. 携带缴款单到香港任一间邮政局以现金或支票缴款; You can pay in cash at any 7-11, OK, VanGo and Hong Kong China Resources Vanguard supermarket in Hong Kong.  可到全港任一间7-11便利店、OK便利店、VanGo便利店及香港华润万家超级市场以现金付款。 © Image | Google The maximum amount of each payment is 5,000 yuan. It is recommended to keep the receipt after payment. 每次缴款金额上限为5,000元,付款后建议保留收据。 Telephone Payment  电话付款 A “Private” account is required to pay the tax by telephone. You can use your bank card to open a PPS account(缴费灵) at any of the PPS terminals which you can find at most of the service centers.  须有一个「缴费灵」户口才可使用电话缴付税款。可使用银行提款卡,到任何一部「缴费灵」终端机,办理开立「缴费灵」户口。很多「缴费灵」商户的服务中心均设有「缴费灵」终端机。 © Image | 缴费灵 Since the billing account number of each tax bill is different, you must call 18013 to register your bill before paying, and then call 18033 to pay the tax. The business number of the Hongkong  Inland Revenue Department is “10”. 由于每张税单的收款账号都不相同,所以须在付款前先行致电 18013 登记账单,然后致电 18033 交税。税务局的商户编号为「10」。 ATM Payment  ATM付款 You can use the HSBC and Hang Seng Bank ATMs to pay. Just bring your bill to any HSBC or Hang Seng Bank ATM with the “Payment Service” logo and choose “Payment Service” to pay. If necessary, please keep the receipt as proof of payment. © Image | Google 可以使用银行自动柜员机于汇丰银行、恒生银行自动柜员机网络付款。你携带账单到任何贴有「缴费服务」标志的汇丰银行或恒生银行自动柜员机,然后选择「缴费服务」付款。如有需要,请保留收条作为缴款证明。 Postal Payment  邮递付款 Send the cheque together with the bill of payment to the commissioner of the Inland Revenue Department, “28282 Mailbox, Gloucester Road Post Office, Hong Kong”. After the cheque cleared, the Inland Revenue Department will send the receipt at the address printed on the payment slip or payment slip. If the receipt has not been received after 3 weeks of payment, you can call the Inland Revenue Department hotline at 187 8033. 把支票连同缴费单寄回“香港告士打道邮政局邮箱28282号税务局局长收”。支票收讫后,税务局会按照印在缴款回条或缴款单上的地址寄出收据。如在缴税 3 星期后仍未收到收据,可致电税务局热线 187 8033 查询。 © Image | TOPick  Note  Do not nail cheque and the bill of payment together!  请勿把支票和缴费单钉在一起。 The cheque must be underlined and marked as “Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government” and the payment account number of the payment slip should be written on the back of the cheque.  支票须加划线并注明支付“香港特别行政区政府”,并在支票背面写上缴款单的收款账号。 Mailing cash or promissory notes will not be accepted.  邮寄现金或期票恕不接纳。 Make sure that the delivery time and postage are sufficient to deliver. Letters with insufficient postage will not be accepted.  确保足够邮递时间及邮费,以令邮递无误。邮费不足的信件将不获接收。 If your Hong Kong company account is an HSBC or Hang Seng account, you can contact HACOS or contact our consultants for a more convenient tax payment method. 如果你的香港公司账户是汇丰或恒生账户,可咨询HACOS或联系我们的顾问获取更简便的缴税方法。 Of course, if you don’t apply the above methods, you can ask HACOS for help to pay! 当然,如果以上方式你都不适用,可以来找HACOS代缴!