Functions Advantages of copyright registration

Intangible assets

Copyright can be traded, transferred which can bring great profits.

Promotion needs

Official certification is an honor which is good for product promotion to the public.

Legal protection

Prevent from plagiarism Protect all benefits of originals 

Types of copyright work

There are 14 types according to Copyright Law and Regulations on computer software protection

 Literary works

Fiction,poetry, essay and thesis

Oral works

Impromptu speech, lesson and court debate

Music compositions

Music compositions

Theater and drama

Drama,opera and local opera

Chinese folk art forms

Crosstalk, quick-patter, drum playing and story telling


Continuous motions, posts and expressions


Acrobatics, conjuring and circus

Fine arts

Painting, calligraphy and sculpture

Architecture works

Construction or the formal expression of structures

Photography works 

Use instruments to record the images of objects 

Photography works 

Use instruments to record the images of objects 



drawing, design Drawing and schematic diagram

 Model works

three-dimensional based on proportion

computer software

computer programs, instruction and flow diagram

More copyrights 

Consult one-to-one professional consultant service 

HACOS’s here to help you in copyright registration

Free copyright status checking 

Check status based on different types and reduce application risks

Highly-eEfficient management 

Prepare and submit application documents. It takes 1 working day to register successfully at the soonest. 

Customize plan

Professionals in copyright supervise applications and senior agents plan and review application documents strictly. 

Many- to-one consultant service

Follow the whole process of application; inform application status and feedback

Procedures of copyright registration

Contact us 




Free assessment



Judge patent type and the possibility of application

Cooperation confirmation


Sign agent contract and confidentiality agreement   

Document submitted 


Professionals proofread application documents Review and submit  

Inform application


status Mail copyright certificate quickly 

Tracing service 


Use archive imforamtion by CRM system to keep the information and professional consultants follow the cases

You may need other copyright services  

Copyright certificate reapplication 

Reapplication is required in the case of lose or damage of copyright certificate 

Copyright alteration 


Subjects or contents of copyright are changed 

Copyright transfer 


Transfer the property right of copyright to others 

Copyright protection


Complaint, appeal and reply of copyright disputes 

Notes for registration 

Protection duration of copyright 

  • The above-mentioned rights of the citizen's work are protected for the life of the author and 50 years after his death, ending on December 31 of the 50th year after the author's death.The protection duration of right of the above mentioned works of citizen covers from the lifetime of authors to the next 50 years from the death of authors, and it is by the end of December 31 of the next 50 years from the death of authors. 
  • The above-mentioned rights of the citizens' cooperative works are protected for the life of the author and 50 years after their death, ending on December 31 of the 50th year after the last author's death.
  • The protection duration of works and copyrights(right of signature excluded)of legal entities or other organizations is 50 years, covering from the first publishing of the work to December 31 of the 50th year, but the works won’t be protected without announcement in 50 years after it is created.

Copyright transfer 

  • The owner of copyright transfers the property right of copyright to others. The ways of transfer consist of inheritance, donation and compensated transfer etc. Compensated transfer, also known as “selling copyright” in China, is the basic content of copyright transaction. Copyright transfer can be the transfer of partial property right, the transfer of entire property right, the transfer of copyright in aof certain period during the protection duration or the transfer of entire protection duration. The transfer of entire copyright during protection duration is also called “copyright sold out” in China.