WeChat ID Can be Changed Finally!

Every time WeChat gets upgraded, many users always wonder when they can change their WeChat id again. Now finally, this feature is open to the Android users and soon will be available to the iOS users. 
WeChat ID Can be Changed Finally!
WeChat ID is unique identifiers a user account. It is used for logging in and allows users to easily find you by searching your WeChat ID. 
However, users could not change or remove a WeChat ID if set once. That means, if you’ve set your ID with your private information or you just don’t like it anymore, sorry, all you can do is to take it. 

WeChat ID Can be Changed Finally!

No matter for information security reasons, or for personal preferences, many users want to change the ID again. 
WeChat ID Can be Changed Finally!
△ “I was so stupid to set the ID with my full name and phone number!” 

WeChat ID Can be Changed Finally!

△ “I want to change my ID because I’ve set it with my ex’s name… That’s embarassing!” 
Now, WeChat finally introduces the feature. It is currently available in the latest version (WeChat 7.0.15) for Android, and will be launched on iOS soon. 

WeChat ID Can be Changed Finally!

WeChat ID Can be Changed Finally!

According to the WeChat team, WeChat ID can only be changed once per year. If you’ve set your ID within a year, you will be able to change it on the expiry. 
Q1: What are the format requirements for WeChat ID setting? 
WeChat ID must be 6-20 characters starting with a letter. It can contain numbers, letters, underscores and minus signs. 

WeChat ID Can be Changed Finally!

Q2: What conditions need to be met for the setting? 
First, the WeChat ID has not been modified within the last year. Second, the WeChat account currently has no security risk.
Q3: Will it affect the third-party operation authorized by WeChat after changing the ID? 
No, it will not. 
Q4: Will my WeChat friends receive a reminder after I change the ID? 
No, they will not. 
Q5: Can my account be found by searching the former ID? 
No. Your friends can only find you via your current WeChat ID, the former one will be unavailable anymore. 
Therefore, we suggest you update your contact information in time after changing your WeChat ID. 
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