No Reason Return within 7 Days (七天无理由退换) -
Return within 15 Days (15天退货)
Go to “My Taobao” (我的淘宝) -
Click on “Not Received “(待收货) and locate the item -
Confirm receipt of the Item (确认收货) -
Click on “Review” (评价) -
Locate and click on the item you want to return -
Click “Apply for After-Sale Service” (申请售后) You’ll be shown two options at this step: a. I Want to Make a Refund (我要退款) b. Refund and Return Item (退款/退货) “Refund and Return Item” is what you need. The first one is only relevant if you think your item has been lost in transit. -
Click on “Return Money/Return Goods” (退款/退货) -
Locate and click on the item you want to return -
Click on “Item Status” (货物状态). -
Click on “Item received” (已收到货)
Return shipping cost (退运费) -
Package/item damaged/dirty/broken/misshaped (包装/商品破损/污渍/裂痕/变形) -
Material not as described (材质与商品描述不符) -
Size not as described (大小/尺寸与商品描述不符) -
Bad quality (质量问题) -
Missing item (少件/漏发) -
Color/ pattern/ style not as described (颜色/图案/款式与商品描述不符) -
Crudely made/ flawed (做工粗糙/有瑕疵) -
Wrong item (卖家发错货) -
Time of manufacture/expiry date not as described (生产日期/保质期与商品描述不符)
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SOURCE | Smart Shanghai / TBT
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