The United States is now requesting nearly all visa applicants to submit their social media information in stepping up the security screening of prospective immigrants and travelers.
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On May 31, 2019, America launched the new version of the DP160 Form system, adding a new column called social media provider.
That is, if you want to apply for US visa now, you must submit your social media account in recent 5 years.
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The 20 optional platforms include Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Sina Weibo, Qzone (QQ), Tencent Weibo, Douban and Youku and so on.
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From then on, you need to choose your social media account. If you have no account, you can choose “NONE“.
Attention: It’s suggested that you should fill it in as things really are. At the same time, when you enter or exit America, they will check the information you filled in.
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The Visa review has been stricter, which means some sensitive words will be checked by the U.S. government.
Sensitive words list for the U.S. customs:
Immigrant intent: Immigrant, buy house/car in the U.S., marriage/give birth in the U.S., confinement center…
Illegal work: Part-time job, babysitter…
Violation words: Attack, bomb, gun…
Sensitive words list for US Homeland Security:
The only exemptions were certain diplomatic and official visa applicants, CBS News reported on Saturday. The U.S. State Department estimates the move will affect 710,000 immigrant visa applicants and 14 million nonimmigrant visa applicants each year, the report said.
“If you are refused by US visa official, it may be because you said something you shouldn’t!”
In short, we must be responsible for what we said in social media in this information society. There’s nothing wrong with being careful. (谨言慎行)