贸易战升级There’s no end in sight for one of the biggest trade wars ever!

目前,美国特朗普政府正式公布第二部分加税清单,对160亿美元中国商品加征25%关税清单。对此,美国VOX时政新闻网站对加税清单评论道:There’s no end in sight for one of the biggest trade wars ever!(全球两大经济体在经济领域搏斗,对所有参与方都是伤害。) 公布的加税160亿美元商品,将于8月23日生效 在加税的160亿商品中,有279项商品,庆幸的是目前航运集装箱、浮动船坞以及锯木用的机械产品等不在加税名单中。 美媒VOX时政新闻网站:贸易战没有赢家 美国VOX时政新闻网站反对经济博弈,在其官网评论: Another day, another escalation in President Donald Trump’s ongoing trade war with China. At this point, it’s unclear how either side will step back from the brink. That’s not good, because having the world’s top two economies fight each other on the economic battlefield could potentially end very badly for all involved. 俄罗斯媒体RT电视台网站: 俄罗斯RT电视台网站点评:尽管美国发出威胁,但许多国家拒绝屈服,并不想如美国所愿,与伊朗断绝关系。目前欧盟正在实施封锁法令,以保护其在伊朗经营的公司,联合国综合行动计划(JCPOA)的签署国,也在批评美国的做法。原文如下: “China’s commercial cooperation with Iran is open and transparent, reasonable, fair and lawful, not violating any United Nations Security Council resolutions,” the Chinese foreign ministry said in a statement to Reuters. “China’s lawful rights should be protected.”