
告别了“旺德福”的2016,迎来了“必有特福”的2017。值此新春到来之际,瀚客商业于2017年1月22日在珠江宾馆举办了年度总结庆典。 全体员工穿着正装礼服,配以“一点红”造型和饱满的热情出席了本次活动。 ● HACOS全体人员合照   ● 现场布置完毕,等待着各位瀚客同事进场 ● 签到现场 ● 2017Beautiful-必有特福 ● 大会主持Cherry和Leo ● 顾问部门“一点红”展示 ● 客服部门“一点红”展示 ● 产品部门“一点红”展示 ● 顾问部门为大家带来活力十足的开场舞表演 ● 瀚客商业服务总经理Harvey致辞 ● 抢红包环节,大家都蓄势待发 ● Harvey为优秀员工Sweetie颁发奖杯 ● Brian的武术表演《双节棍》 ● 客服部门的热辣舞蹈Up&Down引爆了全场的欢呼声和掌声 ● 市场、人事部门的小品节目《手机综合症》 ● 产品部门的歌舞剧《红红火火串烧舞》 ● 幸运抽奖环节,恭喜获得二等奖的小伙伴们 ● 幸运抽奖环节,恭喜获得特等奖的小伙伴 ● 抽奖环节过后,晚宴开始 ● 佳肴美酒,大家大快朵颐享受晚宴 ● 佳肴美酒,大家大快朵颐享受晚宴 ● 让我们为HACOS 2017举杯 ● 2017瀚客有你 加油 HACOS在此给所有支持的朋友和客户们提前拜年了,感谢过去一年对我司的支持和厚爱。在新的一年里,HACOS将加倍努力,竭诚为你提供更专业和满意的服务。 正如我们当天喊出的那句口号:HACOS, Wonderful 2016, Beautiful 2017! 请保持留意HACOS公众号的有关更新。 图片来自网络 HACOS原创文章 转载请先取得授权 并注明出处 HACOS,商业服务解决方案大师


为做好临沂商城工程物资市场展示服务中心开业仪式相关准备工作,8月22日上午,临沂商城管委会在临沂商城工程物资市场举办供货商外贸培训暨展示服务中心一站式服务商集中签约入驻活动。临沂商城党工委委员、管委会副主任张立克,临沂商城国际贸易服务中心副主任刘玉红出席。 张立克在讲话中指出,展示服务中心一站式服务体系的打造,事关国家级市场采购贸易试点的发展。他强调要紧紧围绕工程物资市场商户需求,加快引进和培育一批提供多样化涉外服务的专业外贸服务机构,全力做好各方面对接服务工作;试点市场商户要瞄准“一带一路”沿线国家,围绕“如何买”、“如何卖”,依托线下展示服务中心和线上“沂采通”两个平台,主动拓展外贸业务,推动临沂市场采购贸易做大做强;要把握住试点政策扩大至青岛关区的重大机遇,研究好、利用好试点政策,在如何创新服务等方面下功夫,吸引全省优势产品向临沂商城集聚,打造国际工程物资集采集供基地。 培训活动开始前,临沂商城工程物资市场与远桥会展、云速电商、跨采中心、瀚客咨询等一站式服务商举行了集中签约仪式。除四家现场签约服务商以外,目前还有五家服务商(正和会展、林轩会展、百特会展、米奥兰特会展、中国出口信用保险公司)正在积极与市场对接,拟于近期入驻,开展专业服务。随后,参会人员进行了展示服务中心开业仪式活动流程及注意事项、消防安全、国际贸易操作流程与商务礼仪及线上平台“沂采通”启用情况等内容的培训。 临沂商城管委会经贸发展局负责人、临沂商城管委会市场采购贸易办公室负责人、临沂商城有限责任公司相关业务负责人、临沂商城工程物资市场展示服务中心及各经营区重点商户、签约一站式服务商、临沂大学外国语学院活动志愿者100余人参加培训活动。(徐启超)

All VPNs Can’t Work After Jan 11 Under Chinese New Policy?!

Recently, it’s said that the Chinese Government will require commercial Chinese ISPs to block TCP ports 80, 8080, and 443 by January 11, 2018. If the news is true, this policy will have profound impact on businesses relying on Internet VPN or SD-WAN access within China. *Port 80 is of course the TCP port commonly used for carrying HTTP traffic; 8080 and 443 are used for carrying HTTPS traffic. Commercial ISP customers interested in maintaining access to those ports must register or apply to re-open the port through their local ISP. Here’s a translation of the text from Chinese government describing the policy↓↓↓ And the original Chinese New regulations block VPNs access? Millions of Internet users relied on virtual private networks (VPNs) to circumvent the Chinese censorship system, dubbed the Great Firewall of China. In the past, VPNs have worked intermittently but were invariably blocked, forcing users to jump to another VPN. Crackdowns on accessing the Internet beyond the Great Firewall — the world’s most sophisticated state-censorship operation, employs at least 2 million online censors. But this news highlights how the world’s second largest economy is struggling to balance authoritarianism with its business leadership aspirations. Strict new cybersecurity law came into effect in June? In addition, there is news that strict new cybersecurity law came into effect in June. In July China Telecom, the nation’s biggest Internet service provider, sent a letter to corporate clients that said in future, VPNs would only be allowed to connect to a company’s headquarters abroad then. There are many SD-WAN and meshed VPN installations in China today that leverage the lower internet costs within China, using a lesser number of MPLS circuits to reach data centers outside of the country. If so, these circuits will fail to pass traffic on January 10th, unless the enterprise register with their local ISPs. Of the SD-WAN service providers most likely to be impacted by these changes, Aryaka and Cato Networks come to mind. SD-WAN providers generally provide appliances that rely on the provided transport. No Ban on VPNs actually! However, China Telecom staff denied on Monday ever receiving any notice to block private virtual private networks (VPNs) after media reports saying a ban will take place on Thursday. “It’s strange because we didn’t ever receive such a notice banning access to VPNs.” “I can firmly confirm with you that no such notice has been received up to now.” Many employees from China Telecom customer service said. A website under the International Data Group published a report on Friday saying that China was going to block SD-WAN and VPN traffic, which would have a “profound impact on businesses relying on Internet VPN or SD-WAN access within China.” All basic telecommunication firms and internet access service providers are barred from setting up or renting special lines including VPNs for cross-border operations without government approval, according to a regulation issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) in January 2017. The rules target companies and individuals without approvals from telecommunication regulators who conduct illegal cross-border operations by renting special lines including VPNs. Source: networkworld ?These Articles May Help You Enter China Without Visa: 24, 72 & 144 Hour Options! How to Apply For Family Visa? Check It Out! Only 3 Days To Get HK Visa, Try This Way! How to Apply For Non-criminal Record For Work Permit? How to Get a Chinese Tourist Visa? Check it! Must-see When Apply For or Extend Chinese Visa! Tell You All Types of Chinese Visas! HACOS,Business Services Solutions Master

Get Work Permits Within Just a Few Days Now! How?

Good news for some foreigners: China is now allowing ‘top overseas talent’ to stay in the country for a few months without having to apply for a work permit. And they’llbe put on a fast-track visa application process once they decide to stay. First “Certificate for Foreign High-End Talent” Beijing and nine other cities and provinces are trialing the new ‘top talent’ visa scheme, which launched on January 1. A senior Microsoft executive has been issued the very first “Certificate for Foreign High-End Talent” in Beijing. The foreigner was revealed by state media to be Sajualumootll George, Microsoft’s director of human resources for Asia Pacific. With the certificate, George is eligible for a 10-year multi-entry visa. The second and third recipients were identified as US professors Chong Gu of Purdue University and Lucio Soibelman from the University of Southern California. ● Sample plate of confirmation letter for High Level Foreign Talents Last week, we posted an article<Good News! China Offers 10-year Free Visa To These People!>, has gotten a lot of views. But there are also many questions about the details of how to apply for. Today, we would like to introduce some more details. New Rules for R Visa The new regulation allows certain foreign experts to spend time “getting to know the country” before they start their work permit application. Under new rules for the R visa (otherwise known as the “China Talent Visa”) issued on January 1, they’d be allowed to stay in the country for up to 180 days (six months) at a time on a multiple entry visa that will be valid for five to ten years. Their spouses and children would also be eligible. There’s a catch, though. Those qualified to apply include “top scientists, international entrepreneurs and other talent with specific high-level skills that are in need in the development of the country’s economy and society” (AKA the ‘Category A’ types). Click the link below to read more about the different levels ↓↓↓ ●Today! New Points System For Work Visa Starts! Click to calculate how much points you have↓↓↓ A New Streamlined Visa Application Qualified foreign experts will also benefit from a new streamlined visa application which could reduce the (normally months-long) issuing process to just a few days. Vetted by Three Different Departments After uploading information through a free online portal, eligible expats will have their application vetted by three different departments (the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security) within five days. The process normally takes 10 days. Once the departments have deemed the candidate as worthy of ‘top talent’ certification, a visa will be issued within two days. *Note Currently there isn’t much information available on how to actually apply for the R visa online, but we’d recommend contacting your employer or visa sponsors for further inquiries. Renew on A Much Stricter Deadline Meanwhile, regular work permit holders will soon be required to renew on a much stricter deadline. Effective February 28, the renewal applications must be submitted 30 days in advance of the expiry date. Click the link below to know more↓↓↓ ●Urgent! Work Permit Extension Notice From SAFE! Share to let your friends know!         Source: China Daily /That’sPRD /People.cn ?These Articles May Help You Enter China Without Visa: 24, 72 & 144 Hour Options! How to Apply For Family Visa? Check It Out! Only 3 Days To Get HK Visa, Try This Way! How to Apply For Non-criminal Record For Work Permit? How to Get a Chinese Tourist Visa? Check it! Must-see When Apply For or Extend Chinese Visa! Tell You All Types of Chinese Visas! HACOS,Business Services Solutions Master